Innokin iTaste MVP
Innokin was established in 2011 with the goal of adding technological innovation, leading designs and the highest standards of quality in order to manufacture the best electronic cigarettes and Advanced Personal Vaporizers globally.
The “box mod” was oprimarily a device made by home tinkerers and created out of the desire to introduce an e-cigarette with prolonged battery life and a more power than what the e-cigarettes commonly had at the time — almost all of them “cig-a-likes” — were capable of producing.
What were launched as simple push-button devices quickly turned into e-cigarettes with stacked batteries, variable-voltage operation and built-in tanks. With the iTaste MVP, Innokin has made the box mod a demanded device, combining an old paradigm with some interesting modern characteristics. Purchase this new device and decide whether it’s a worthy upgrade from your e-cigarette.
Innokin electronic cigarettes give you true vaping freedom and delight. With Innokin ecigs you simply put your preferred eLiquid flavors and then you opt for the best power output which provides a perfect taste with the balanced amount of vapor.
This is due to teams of engineers and designers who strive daily to develop technologies and designs which are absolutely unique & unrivalled. So, choosing Innokin eCigs, you are vaping the very best of the best ever.